Wednesday, May 23, 2007


Caleb's new favorite thing is Transformers. During our move the box of transformers that I had when I was a kid got taken down from the attic. I pulled them out an showed them to him, and he hasn't stopped talking about them since. I decided to look them up on Ebay and found that some of mine were worth a pretty penny, so I'm gladly trading these puppies in for some cold cash. Link. Caleb got his very own first transformer at the store yesterday. They've changed a lot since I was a kid, but they are still one of the coolest toys ever made.


Anonymous said...

$50! Holy cow!! I wish I hadn't left most of mine at my neighbor's house.

Anonymous said...

I now have a reason to go up in the attic! Pete's going to be thrilled when I find his old ones!Think I can get a finder's fee?