Friday, December 28, 2007

Reformation Videos

If you've never studied the men of the protestant reformation or just want to brush up on them, here are some videos someone posted on Youtube that might help. They run about 30 minutes for each reformer (it is broken into 3 files). They are all good, but the one on Luther is not the best (so don't start with it). Start with Hus or Tyndale, especially if you've never heard of these men and the sacrifices they made so that you can read the Bible in the language you speak. They are produced by Vision video if you are interested.

John Wycliffe
William Tyndale
William Tyndale Part 2
John Hus
Martin Luther
John Calvin
Ulrich Zwingli
Anabaptist Part 2
Anabaptist Part 3 - or really 1?
Oliver Cromwell
Part 2
Erasmus (not a reformer, but important in the process)

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